Final Reviews:
Wednesday, 18 December 09.00–18.30
Susanne Hefti, Ann-Kathrin Eickhoff, Larissa Holaschke, Brit Barton, Matthias Peterseim, Oz Oderbolz, Sylvia Orczykowska
Design in Dialogue Lab, ONA
Team: Freek Persyn, Juan Barcia Mas, Seppe de Blust, Ellena Ehrl, Sophia Garner, Michiel van Iersel, Michele Porcelluzzi, Ina Valkanova, Arno Covas, Jules Henz, Zoé Rüttimann
Final Reviews:
Tuesday, 28 May 15.00–18.30
Wednesday, 29 May 09.30–18.30
Ann-Kathrin Eickhoff, Janus Lafontaine Carboni, Tine Milz, Louise Osieka, Koi Persyn, Dennis Pohl, Philippe Vandenbroeck, Jacopo Zani
Design in Dialogue Lab, ONA
Team: Freek Persyn, Juan Barcia Mas, Seppe de Blust, Ellena Ehrl, Lukas Fink, Sophia Garner, Michiel van Iersel, Charlotte Schaeben
Final Reviews:
Tuesday, 19 December 13.00–18.00
Wednesday, 20 December 09.00–18.00
Johan Anrys, Ethel Baraona Pohl, Julie Collet, Erik De Deyn, Ann-Kathrin Eickhoff, Nikolaus Hirsch, Clara Richard, Sean Vegezzi
Design in Dialogue Lab (ONA), ONA J25, Avia Tank Station
Team: Freek Persyn, Juan Barcia Mas, Seppe de Blust, Ellena Ehrl, Lukas Fink, Sophia Garner, Jitse Massant, Michiel van Iersel, Charlotte Schaeben
Final Reviews:
Monday, 29 May 11.00–17.30
Montserrat Bonvehi Rosich, Marc Armengaud, Dieter Leyssen
Master thesis exhibition at HIL
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the final presentation of our master thesis Landscapes of Adaptive Infrastructure – Exploring the Boundaries of Practice, on Theaterplatz in Basel. Students have been working both on an individual thesis project, and on a collective exhibition. This exhibition at HIL (ETH Hönggerberg) is the place where we will present and discuss the semester's ideas and projects. We will look back at the process and at the same time ahead: what can we learn from this exploration and what are students envisioning to take with them into practice?
Final Reviews:
Wednesday, 31 May 10.00–16.00
Frederick Dürr, Matylda Krzykowski, Chrissie Muhr, Martina Münch, Andreas Ruby, Benedikt von Peter, Kim Wüst, Daria Zogg
Theaterplatz Basel
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the final presentation of Studio Basel – Foyer Civic on Wednesday, May 31 on and around Theaterplatz in Basel. During the spring semester, architecture students have been working intensively with (members of) Verein Theaterplatz-Quartier, the association of cultural institutions that surround the square, and with many other organizations and experts. Together they turned Theaterplatz into an open urban transformation laboratory. The studio culminates during a day-long festival titled (E)THestival, which combines installations and performances with an exhibition and film screening. We invite you to join this public rehearsal and come test and reflect on a multitude of 1:1 scale experiments or performative mock-ups, which have been developed to reveal, question, and enhance the qualities of Theaterplatz as a public space and civic center.
Final Reviews:
Wednesday, 1 June 14.30–17.30
Anneke Abhelakh, René Boer, Nadia Fistarol, David Ganzoni, Thomas Isler, Marie-Anne Lerjen, Lukas Sander, Berit Seidel, Bruno Widmer, Bianca Wildrich, Leonie Wohlgemuth, Daniel Zeller
Design in Dialogue Lab, ETH Zürich, ONA, Neunbrunnenstrasse 50
We invite you to join the final presentation of Studio Altstetten. During the day, students will take you through an immersive presentation of the Room of Entanglements, which represents the collective output of all student work. This room is a scenography, an environment, that is inviting and inspiring and helps us – students and stakeholders involved in urban transformation – to transgress current ways of thinking. We imagine this room as an immersive spatial setup that encourages to think beyond the plot, to think in relations, to think in long(er) time spans, and to reconnect with the actual lives of people living and working in Altstetten.
Final Reviews:
Wednesday, 22 December 09.30–18.00
a.o. Nitin Bathla (ETH Zürich), Jürg Lehni (artist), Stanislaus von Moos (University of Zürich), Falma Fshazi (ETH Zürich), Seppe De Blust (ETH Zürich), Caterina Viguera (Rotative studio), Rahimulla Muhammedi (Club La Fafa)
For the Fall 2021 design studio, we took inspiration from people and practices that promote the use of all our senses when we experience and shape our environment. We invited students to join a multi-sensory exploration of the neighbourhood of Seebach and the ONA building, home to NEWROPE’s Design in Dialogue Lab and a space we share with other chairs of the Department of Architecture of ETH Zurich.
Final Reviews:
Tuesday, 1 June 09.00–18.00
Fujan Fahmi; Marianne Gatti; Tobias Kurtz; Anna Scheuermann; Cara Turett; Sabina Uffer; Kai Vöckler; Bruno Widmer ; Nemanja Zimonjic
The spring 2021 Design Studio will focus on the city of Offenbach and its (physical) infrastructure. We will try to understand how infrastructures shape the city and our everyday lives and we will look for opportunities for change and adaptation.
Zoom-link for the day: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/6150471...
Final Reviews:
Tuesday, 15 December 14.00–17.30
Bora Baboçi, Natassa, Dourida, Johan Anrys, Niels Olsen, Fredi Fischli, Juha van ‘t Zelfde, Saimir Kristo, Manon Fantini, Merve Bedir, René Boer, Joni Baboçi, Sotiria Kornaropoulou, Milena Dragiçeviç Sessiç, Manon Fantini and more
Zoom-link: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/99220096103
See full programme: https://newrope.world/blog/202...
Studio Tirana - Pallati i Brigadave
Dear All
Dear Friends, We have the pleasure to invite you to the presentation of our Autumn Studio. Between September and December 2020 the NEWROPE Chair of Architecture and Urban Transformation organised a design studio that focused on the Palace of Brigades in Tirana. The Presidential Palace, popularly known as the Palace of Brigades (or ‘Pallati i Brigadave’ in Albanian), is the official residence of the President of Albania. The palace was commissioned by King Zog I and was designed by a group of Italian engineers and architects. However, the king never got to live in the palace and to this day the palace remains uninhabited. Unable to travel to Tirana as a result of the Covid pandemic, the students had to rely on the input from experts and secondary sources for their analysis. Through a series of online dialogues and a variety of remote sensing tools, including a meet and greet with the team of the palace on Zoom and a simulated taxi ride around Tirana in Google Street View, they developed an understanding of the spatial, social and political conditions in which the palace finds itself. Working in groups, and in close collaboration with others, the students developed projects that approach and unpack the palace from a multitude of perspectives, scales and topics. Their projects range from proposals for physical interventions in and around the palace to plans for a public campaign to engage the citizens of Tirana in collective efforts to improve the air quality. The various projects are featured in a short film, which the students developed together and which will have its premiere during the online presentation of the studio on December 15. After the film screening there will be an opportunity to discuss the film and the various projects with the students and other guests. The presentation will take place on online platform Zoom.

Final Reviews:
Tuesday, 26 May 15.00–19.00
Wednesday, 27 May 14.00–18.00
Panos Antoniadis, Nikos Belavilas, Ifigeneia Dimitrakou, Anastasia Frantzeskaki, Giorgos Gogos, Nicholas Karachalis, Eirini Kasioumi, Alison Killing, Eleni Myrivili, Theodora Papamichail, Ben Pohl, Maria-Athina Tzioka, Pili Vassiliou
The spring 2020 design studio of the Chair of Architecture & Urban Transformation – what we call NEWROPE – centered around the port of Piraeus and surrounding areas along the Greek coast. As the historic port of Athens, and one of the main passenger and cargo hubs in the Mediterranean, Piraeus forms the epicentre of the ongoing financial, migration and climate crises and plays a central role in the geopolitical rivalry between the EU, US and China. Faced with an influx of refugees and foreign investment, rising water levels and periods of severe drought, the coastal city and its diverse communities provide a critical context for architecture students to learn, experiment and generate ideas and design proposals for new and more sustainable forms of cohabitation.

To join our Vernissage click here

More information:
Studio blog
Studio Europe Platform
Newrope website