Chair of Architecture and Urban Design
Hubert Klumpner
Final Reviews:
Tuesday, 17 December 09.00–18.00
Prof. Christoph Luethy
Prof. Saimir Kristo
Prof. Senka Ibrisimbegovic
Dr. Karin Gallandat
Prof. Anton Falkeis
Prof. Patricia Barbas
Prof. João Ventura Trindade
Prof. Alejandro Restrepo
Diego Ceresuela Wiesmann (UTPC)
ONA Studio E25
MediTirana | Designing Circular Markets
Final Reviews:
Tuesday, 28 May 09.30–18.00
Prof. Nabil Bonduki, Prof. Philippe Vanderbroecke, Prof. Teresa Gali-Izard, Prof. Christian Kerez, Lucas Lerchs, Ciro Miquel and Diogo Ceresuela
ONA Estudio E25
Final Reviews:
Tuesday, 19 December 09.15–18.00
Meriem Chabani, Melanie Fessel, Roland Krebs, Silke Langenberg, Victoria Easton
ONA Langhalle
Final Reviews:
Wednesday, 31 May 09.30–18.00
Aurélie Lemouzy, Senka Ibrimbegovic, Regine Keller, Vedad Viteškić,
Adi Ćorović,Jasmin Sirco, Aida Idrizbegović Zgonić, Guilherme T. Wisnik,
Melanie Fessel
Ona groundfloor Studio
igre i grad_ City Games
Designing the new Sarajevo Olympic Legacy 1984-2024-2064
Final Reviews:
Tuesday, 21 December 09.30–18.00
Wednesday, 22 December 09.30–18.00
Adnan Pašić, Andreas Rubin, Anna Gawlikowska, Anna Schindler, Barbara Jäggin, Cai Cheyeni, Craig Hatcher, Gordana Mimisević, Hamdija Kočić, Nela Kadic, Ute Schneider, Phillip Urech, Vedran Mimica, Vera and Ruedi Baur
Students of our HS21 Design Studio 'Climate Corridors Sarajevo' will be presenting the final outputs of their Studio works to a distinguished panel of experts via Zoom. Alongside these reviews, a Miro Board will provide a virtual exhibition of works

The online exhibition of these works via Miro is available here:

Team: Prof Klumpner, Anne Graupner, Diogo Rabaça Figueiredo
Final Reviews:
Tuesday, 1 June 13.00–18.00
Wednesday, 2 June 13.00–18.00
Sacha Obrecht, Mark Neuner, Irina Nalis, Marlene Lotsch, Anton Falkeis, Benni Edder, Roland Krebs, Stefan Mayr, Ruedi Baur, Vera Baur, Melanie Fessel
Students of our FS21 Design Studio 'Market District 24/7 Vienna' will be presenting the final outputs of their Studio works to a distinguished panel of experts via Zoom. Alongside these reviews, a Miro Board will provide a virtual exhibition of works

The online exhibition of these works via Miro is available here:

Team: Prof Klumpner, Anne Graupner, Diogo Rabaça Figueiredo

Students Projects


N 20 Multicultural District Market | Carole Ziegler
N 21 The Market as a Farm | Ekaterina Scholz
N 22 Spreading Care | Dominik Koch
N 23 to- get-her(e) | Sogol Amuzegar
N 24 The School-Market | Julie Agustoni
N 25 The Cooled Zones | Felix Affolter


M 70 Market in a Box | Kaspar Stengele
M 71 Stadtverwaldung | Tobias Peteler
M 72 Health Line | Gabriel Mösch
M 73 Remisemarkt | Daniel Lopes
M 74 Rolling Market | Dimitri Durst
M 75 Urban Corridors | Mirjam Huber


D 44 Bringing back the Agora | Joanna Rubin
D 45 Student Market | Ramon Oetterli
D 46 Bridging Bubbles | Charlotte Neyenhuys
D 47 University from/for Favoriten | Era Jashari
D 48 Echoing the Market | Laura Imperiali
D 49 Market as an Ecosystem | Alexandra Giger
D 50 Marketplace, Marketspace | Rebecca Chen


G 95 Virtual and Local Market | Yves Peclard
G 96 The Knowledge Market | Pascal Steinmann
G 97 Community Cloud | Tobias Sandbichler
G 98 Move Standing Cars | Tiziano Lanza
G 99 Work-Shop Market | Alexandra Cudlipp
G 100 Raised Public Spaces | Adele Cortese
Final Reviews:
Tuesday, 15 December 13.00–18.00
Wednesday, 16 December 13.00–18.00
Ruedi Baur, Vera Baur, Antonio Celia, Diego Ceresuela, Sergio Chirivella, Anton Falkeis, Melanie Fessel, Sebastian Mejia, Manue Moreno, Sameep Padora, AlejandroRestrepo, Daniela Sanjinés, Arno Schlüter
Students: Ammann Jérome, Ammann Isabel, Angelova Nikolina, Bieri Mario, Breit Hannah, Calonder Remo,Cereghetti Laura, Chaudhry Shriya, Di Nardo Laura, Fischer Sébastien, Kofler Melanie, Leitlein Leonie, LigenPierre, Maron Simon, Mayer Theo, Muszynski Marius, Ogunsola Oluwasegun, Perschel Aurelia, Pfeiffer Laura,Ragg Carina, Rubin Joanna, Schwarz Alexandra, Stingaciu Alexandra, Strologo Louis, Weber Daniel, WittmerLorenz

Team: Prof Klumpner, Anne Graupner, Diogo Rabaça Figueiredo

How can we re-imagine ordinary neighbourhoods through strategically engaging and intensifying their creative potential, embracing their identity through their traditions, rituals, new temporary art and cultural events? Students are introduced to design methods and tools for neighbourhood design through cultural co-production, festivals, exhibitions, celebrations, and case-studies from the Urban-Lecture Series. Strategic concepts respond to, negotiate and link productive collisions with diverse processes and factors that shape densification of city blocks and streetscapes. Considering day-light, programming and imagining growth processes, small scale neighbourhoods are transformed into legitimate districts, towns and Cities within Cities.

Zoom link request:
Final Reviews:
Tuesday, 26 May 09.00–18.00
Nela Kadic, Pippo Ciorra, Alessandra Cianchetta, Ruedi Baur, Vera Baur, Gruia Badescu, Vedran Mimica, Ina Valkanova, Anne Graupner
Students: Nikolina Angelova, Gianmaria Beer, Monika Brtan, Ioana Danila, Vinzenz Egger, Adrienne Enz, Romano Fischer, Laura Franceschini, Vivienne Galliker, Takayoshi Goto, Monika Grabski, Halima Hassan, Meret Imhof, Rolf Imseng, Stepanie Nünlist, Besjana Ramadani, Christopher Reisinger, Mike Rüede, Dara Rüfenacht, Lorenz Strologo, Yibin Yang , Marco Yue

Team: Prof. Hubert Klumpner, Melanie Fessel, Diogo Rabaça Figueiredo

The studio will re-design, re-program, and re-invent an innovation zone for the re-
establishment of a new model for a harbor city, designing beyond the land and the water.
Rijeka, as the center of shipbuilding in the Adriatic Sea, is known to be a harbor with a
city. This studio is proposing the design of a coastal paradigm for the Mediterranean
and generating an alternative city development model for Rijeka, the European
Capital of Culture 2020. Rijeka is a city on the border between Italian and Slavic
spheres of influence. This valley was, over centuries, the natural division between
languages, nations, and political systems. Setting borders and shifting borders will
be a design strategy for the studio, proposing a Special Cultural Zone bridging both
sides of the river in Školjić. The zone was the source of energy, drinking water, and
work, intensively used by industry. Today the area is very close to the city center,
providing a unique opportunity for developing Rijeka’s urban qualities. Students
will design solutions by prototyping the process for a new urban paradigm in the
context of environmental, social, and governance issues. We provide the base for
each student to develop her/his multi-disciplinary approach that builds urban
design projects upon common ground. Students will be encouraged to interpret the
United Nations (Sustainable Development Goals) SDG’s, articulating an individual
and critical position on the potential role of the architect to guide a design process
within broader social, political, and economic systems. Informed by the chairs
ongoing research in the Balkan region, starting in Athens, Sarajevo, this semester,
engages in Rijeka, Croatia, with teaching, making, and researching the city.

To visit our FS2020 Studio Blog, visit us here