Tim Marc Kappeler
forgotten values

The project ‚forgotten values‘ is integrating the ancient grain ‚Waldstaudenroggen’ (perennial rye) to the crop rotation of the vegetable cooperation ‚meh als gmues‘ in Zurich Nord. The recultivation of the perennial rye brings an advantage for the soil quality. It has a strong and fine root system that penetrates the field profile. Thus, it ensures loose soil, which is suitable for growing vegetables in the following year.

Straw roofing was characteristic of the ‚Hochstudhaus‘ in the Swiss Plateau until the 19th century, but the craftsmanship of the thatched roof is almost forgotten today.

The goal is to create a social space to regain the knowledge of the forgotten craftmanship of the thatched roof and provide Zurich with ancient grains, bread and straw as a building material.