In collaboration with:
Chair of Construction Heritage and Preservation, Prof. Dr. Silke Langenberg, Reto Wasser
Chair of History and Theory of Architecture, Prof. Dr. Maarten Delbeke, Linda Stagni
At first, a roof then three boats and from the boats a roof again and a tower
and a deposit
and boats again, or...
This is about a system
This is about disassembling and reassembling structures
This is about expanding an ongoing journey in order to multiply- may- be disrupt - the (hi)stories imprisoned in its architectural fragments.
MERO JOURNEY celebrates the exodus of Manuel Pauli MERO Pa- vilion along the Limmat. A whole act supported by a simple steel node system which enabled the past translocation of the structure while sti- mulating its future transfers.
Inspired by its hectic past, the Mero Pavilion designed by Manuel Pauli is transformed into three ships, moving its (hi)story further. The jour- ney can then (re)start. The route on the Limmat is a trip through diffe- rent uses of the river. A clash between leisure, economy and transport. Each stop displays an alternative to possible states of the MERO sys- tem.
From a roof to a boat,
this performative trip aims to underline the possibiliy to approach the re-usability with symbolic and memorial aims. One more attempt to celebrate the potential of a dismountable construction system. MERO’s ATTITUDE IS THE FUTURE