Marco Bruggmann
BAU442-444 (Topic C)

Introduction to the diploma's C topic presentation

The topic C consisted in the study and transformation of 6 mainly administrative and industrial buildings in the city of Basel.

After the site visit, we defined with our 6 students, that each would work on a different building, with the objective of constituting a global study, formed by the 6 projects, to develop a response at the scale of the site and to encourage a group discussion on the approach, on the potential of the site and the case-study value of this ensemble.

The situation did not allow this objective to be fully achieved, but it was nevertheless sought to bring together, coordinate intentions, reflect and take a common approach and attitude to modern existing buildings, offering potential space and capacity, interesting and specific constructive structures, strong architectural values and a history, evoking the first life of these buildings.


- To do with, which does not mean to be satisfied with, nor to undergo, but on the contrary to invent with.

- do not deconstruct or demolish as a matter of principle what is no longer suitable, but is nevertheless in good condition.

The obsolescence of primitive use is not a good reason to destroy a building.

- find solutions to divert, reuse, reprogram, reinvent.

Every building has a potential for re-use that must be revealed.

- define uses more than programs in relation to spaces.

It is an approach in which the program adapts to the place and not the other way around.

- reusing as much as possible what is there: the material, the spaces, while remaining coherent with the spatial and usage objectives sought.

- adapting, which does not mean doing less, or less well, but implies the need to invent something out of the ordinary, intelligent and efficient, which responds differently but as well or better to the same quality objectives as the standards

- find suitable technical solutions to improve, repair, update - use as little new material as possible

- think in terms of use and economy

- to think systematically about passive, energy-efficient buildings, by studying the natural behaviour of buildings in detail and on the basis of these values


- observe without preconceived ideas, with a curious look and a free approach

- to become acquainted with and aware of the values

- precise inventory, item by item

- to construct the project in fragments and to define the relationships and coherence to be established between the fragments.

The distance work nevertheless made it possible to establish these common bases of discussion and approach, and the students sought to establish connections and overall coherence.

The programmatic, typological, constructive and geometrical variety of each building, combined with the specific research of each student on a single construction, nevertheless made it possible to clearly show the singularity of the answers provided, adapted on a case-by-case basis to each particularity encountered.

The sum of these proposals outlines a strategy for the transformation of the city based on its own resources, making it possible to add an extra layer to the existing strata, a fertile source of renewed spaces and uses, which contrasts with a vision often shared today of a virtuous city that would start from scratch, from a systematic tabula rasa.