Immerse yourself in an intriguing narrative that traverses the boundaries of reality and simulation, told through the lives of three unique characters - Melanie, Christian, and Matthias - in the pulsating heart of Zurich. This diploma project dives deep into a revolutionary digital dreamscape, blending architecture, artificial intelligence, and direct democracy in order to save us from climate change. Watch as our characters navigate this metaverse, shaping and being shaped by this digital embodiment of urban life. As they grapple with the complexity of the city's metamorphosis and its implications for their own lives, you'll find yourself questioning the nature of reality and the role of AI in our cities. Take the play onto a stage in your city, or engage with the characters in their respective videos, and join us in this captivating exploration of the future of architecture and city planning. Welcome to the new era of urban experience, welcome to EchoMorph.