Monika Grabski
Keeping UP with Langstrasse: An alternative city development to empower urban values under the pressure of densification for sustainable growth

To address the issues of displacement of residents and local shops, population growth, and increasing heat, my proposal targets the current situation at the level of a miniblock, adaptable to similar dense urban areas. In the Langstrasse neighbourhood, where streets and courtyards are mostly used for traffic and parking, the proposal introduces pedestrian and bike-friendly streets between perimeter blocks. These new pedestrian areas will be unsealed and incorporate water features to counteract ground overheating, creating a better local climate and opportunities for social interactions.

To prevent local businesses from being driven out, the ground floor of the miniblock will be activated with dedicated spaces for these businesses, utilizing the pedestrian spaces between buildings. This action supports local businesses by promoting a more personal experience which, according to a local, went missing through the changes at the Langsstrasse.

In response to the lack of affordable housing, the proposal includes upward densification. By introducing affordable and social living spaces, such as cluster housing arrangements, affordable rent prices can be achieved. This vertical expansion will create private and public spaces on intermediate and roof levels, offering residents, the neighbourhood, and visitors more quality spaces. Additionally, it provides more daytime uses, promoting an active and diverse community. This proposal aims to retain the unique character of Langstrasse by supporting local shops and creating a more liveable, sustainable urban environment, whilst assuring the current users to stay.

Given Langstrasse's reputation for active nightlife, the proposal includes reorganizing the underground to host various nightlife activities such as bars, clubs, and casinos, thereby reducing street noise and creating a calmer night for residents. By developing the proposal on different levels such as the underground, nearby streets, ground floor, intermediate and rooftop floors, it allows for daytime activities above the ground and nighttime activities below the ground.

By focusing on keeping UP with Langstrasse, this approach creates an inclusive and vibrant environment that benefits both residents and visitors.